"Once I drew like Raphael but it took me all of my life to learn how to draw like a child"
Pablo Picasso
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to draw freely, without worrying what anyone else might think about what you are doing? Indeed, being able to draw without you yourself wondering whether it is any good at all?
Well this is what this course is about. It is about finding yourself in an atmosphere where it is OK to draw just the way you can. I spent 5 years at art college and found that we were guided towards a standard of drawing which complied with their own teachings. There is of course nothing wrong with that (we all need tutoring in anything that we do) but often in the process, the wonderful creativity of individual approaches is somewhat lost. Picasso's statement above alludes to this constriction and if he found it difficult, no wonder the rest of us find it hard work.
Art is one of the easiest ways we have of expressing ourselves - and doing so using our intuition as the base point is electrifying. Here is a chance for you to 'escape' the constriction and come and have some fun exploring your own creativity in a wonderfully free environment.
So who is eligible to attend?
‘All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up." Pablo Picasso
Anyone can attend - no skills are required, just a willingness to participate and learn how to express yourself through drawing. If you are already an artist and you need to shake up your perceptions, you will find this course invaluable. There will be no judgments made - just inspiration and guidance on how best to express yourself on paper.
Well this is what this course is about. It is about finding yourself in an atmosphere where it is OK to draw just the way you can. I spent 5 years at art college and found that we were guided towards a standard of drawing which complied with their own teachings. There is of course nothing wrong with that (we all need tutoring in anything that we do) but often in the process, the wonderful creativity of individual approaches is somewhat lost. Picasso's statement above alludes to this constriction and if he found it difficult, no wonder the rest of us find it hard work.
Art is one of the easiest ways we have of expressing ourselves - and doing so using our intuition as the base point is electrifying. Here is a chance for you to 'escape' the constriction and come and have some fun exploring your own creativity in a wonderfully free environment.
So who is eligible to attend?
‘All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist as we grow up." Pablo Picasso
Anyone can attend - no skills are required, just a willingness to participate and learn how to express yourself through drawing. If you are already an artist and you need to shake up your perceptions, you will find this course invaluable. There will be no judgments made - just inspiration and guidance on how best to express yourself on paper.